Monday, August 30, 2021
The health and safety of our customers is WMU’s top priority as we ensure safe and reliable drinking water to Winchester and Clark County as well as providing sanitary sewer and solid waste services. We are closely monitoring the ever-changing landscape of how COVID-19 is affecting our community, and we continue to follow the latest guidelines on preparation and prevention from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The WMU main office and drive-thru remains open for in person payments, but we strongly encourage you to interact with us remotely, rather than in person, whenever possible. To make your payment without visiting our office, the following resources are available:
- Call Customer Service at (859) 744-5434 during regular office hours – 7:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (Monday – Friday)
- Mail in payments. For your convenience an envelope is provided in your monthly billing statement.
- Call Customer Service and set up automatic bank draft.
- Leave your bill payment in our on-site drop box – 24 / 7
- Visit our website and make online payments
Customers who visit our office are reminded of the CDC / State Guidelines for protecting themselves as well as our employees. It is strongly recommended that the appropriate PPE (i.e., cloth face coverings or surgical masks that have at least two layers of tightly woven breathable fabric) be worn at all times when inside our facilities.
Should you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact WMU Customer Service at (859) 744-5434.
Friday, March 20, 2020
What You Should Know:
In the interest of public and employee health during this COVID-19 outbreak, effective Monday, March 23, 2020, Winchester Municipal Utilities (WMU) will be closing the front office lobby to walk-in customers. In the meantime, staff will still be on duty answering service calls and assisting you. We will continue to closely monitor the rapidly changing COVID-19 situation and will follow guidance from the CDC, state and local health authorities.
What You Should Do:
WMU is committed to continuing to address customer service needs. We are here to serve you, and in an effort to reduce the risk of contracting or transmitting the virus, we are asking customers to conduct their business by mail, phone, and website or by using our on-site drop box.
To make payments without visiting our office, the following resources are available:
- Call Customer Service at (859) 744-5434 during regular office hours – 7:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (Monday – Friday)
- Mail in payments. For your convenience an envelope is provided in your monthly billing statement.
- Call Customer Service and set up automatic bank draft.
- Leave a bill payment in our on-site drop box – 24 / 7
- Visit our website and make online payments
- Download the WMU Advisory App on your smartphone or tablet to connect to our online payments. Android users can go to Google Play and iPhone users can go to the Apple store to download the free app.
- For more information please see our Customer Service webpage for details.
To set up new service please fill out our Application for Utility Service and call one of our Customer Service Representatives for further instructions.
As the situation with the Coronavirus evolves, WMU is actively following this unprecedented moment in history and responding to the ever-changing needs. While we recognize that current public concerns about the safety of drinking water are minimal, we would like to go ahead and make sure all are aware that our drinking water is safe, and customers can continue to use and drink water from their tap as usual.
WMU standards and Environmental Protection Agency water regulations require treatment at public water systems to remove or kill pathogens, including viruses. The disinfection we use to treat the drinking water, chlorine, can prevent COVID-19 from being in our drinking water. As a reminder, washing your hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds helps prevent the spread of COVID-19.
While we are making the necessary adjustments needed to keep staff and customers safe, we remain committed to providing access to the same clean, high quality water you’ve always enjoyed.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
In response to the developing events of the spread of the COVID-19 virus, Winchester Municipal Utilities (WMU) has temporarily suspended all water service shut-offs for non-payment and will begin reinstating service to customers who have been previously shut-off. Utility customers should continue to pay their bill for the water, sewer, and solid waste charges as they will be ultimately responsible for any charges accrued during this moratorium. We encourage those who can’t pay by their due date to contact WMU Customer Service to help with payment options. In addition, WMU will be suspending all non-emergency service calls and appointments and will limit contact with customers during all emergency service calls.
To make your payment without visiting our office, the following resources are available:
- Call Customer Service at (859) 744-5434 during regular office hours – 7:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (Monday – Friday).
- Mail in payments. For your convenience an envelope is provided in your monthly billing statement
- Call Customer Service and set up automatic bank draft.
- Leave a bill payment in our on-site drop box – 24 / 7.
- Visit our website and make online payments.
- Download the WMU Advisory App on your smartphone or tablet to connect to our online payments. Android users can go to Google Play and iPhone users can go to the Apple store to download the free app.
It is also important for you to know that your drinking water remains safe. At the WMU water treatment plant it isn’t necessary for us to use any special treatment practices to kill the novel coronavirus. The methods that are already used, on a daily basis, are more than sufficient to kill the virus should it enter the water system. WMU utilizes chlorine to disinfect the water from bacteria and viruses. Viruses, such as COVID-19, are very susceptible to being treated with chlorine. We chlorinate to a level that successfully addresses pathogens and bacteria found in surface water that are much more severe and resistant than the coronavirus.
Should you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact Customer Service at (859) 744-5434.
For additional information about the coronavirus and drinking water please visit:
- Environmental Protection Agency – Americans can continue to use and drink water from their tap
- World Health Organization – Water treatment practices effective against COVID-19
For additional information about the coronavirus, please visit:
COVID-19 Resources